Our Research
As an institute that champions excellence in Continuing Education and Training, IAL undertakes research projects that examine the various aspects of adult learning and development. The data we gather and the results we analyse enable us to further the advancement of the CET sector in Singapore, and inform policy making and decisions.

Enhancing Assessment of Quality of Training Programmes
Dr Helen Bound
The Enhancing Course Quality and Curriculum project was initiated with the objective of improving the quality of CET courses based on research findings centred on the impact of the Six Principles of Learning Design (PoLD) on learning effectiveness (Bound & Chia, 2020). Lasting over a year, the project comprised several activities spanning 2 stages (Trial 1: documentary review of Course Proposals (CPs) for evidence of design principles, online survey on perceptions of CET practitioners and Training Providers (TPs) to PoLD in course design, and Trial 2: coaching 17 TPs through the process of populating the new PoLD-infused Course Proposal, conducting focus group discussions with SSG auditors and TPs not involved in the coaching trial).
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The Future of Jobs and Skills: the Impact of Automation in Singapore
Simon Freebody, Jazreel Tan, Sheng Yee Zher and Prof Johnny Sung
The project provides a consensus assessment of the skills that are likely to be highly impacted by automation technologies within the next five years and the nature of that impact.
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Developing Innovative Learning Culture in SMEs
Dr Dr Arthur Chia, Dr Yang Silin and Tai Jo Fang
Innovative learning culture in SMEs; research study aims to understand how SMEs afford learning opportunities that promote innovation, and how learning of innovative practices might best proceed in these organisations. The research questions of this project will be addressed through intensive qualitative case studies to provide novel insights of innovative learning cultures in SMEs in Singapore.
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