Our Research

Here at IAL, our Research Division aims to provide a strong knowledge base for the development of practice in CET.

Our Research

As an institute that champions excellence in Continuing Education and Training, IAL undertakes research projects that examine the various aspects of adult learning and development. The data we gather and the results we analyse enable us to further the advancement of the CET sector in Singapore, and inform policy making and decisions.

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our research
Completed | 2011

Development of a CET Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

Prof Andrew Brown, Rebecca Ye

Singapore is facing a major challenge in continuing education and training: to demonstrate the results from the government‘s increasing investment in the sector. This document takes up this challenge and proposes a framework for monitoring and evaluation that will enable us to measure the outcomes of continuing education and training (CET), learn from the implementation of CET programmes and maximise the impact of future CET initiatives.

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our research
Completed | 2010

Promoting and Supporting Lifelong Employability for Singapore's Workers Aged 45 and Above

Prof Stephen Billett

The research projects aims to understand more about how best to assist mature-age workers maintain their employability across working life and what Singaporean workplaces and government agencies might do to maintain their employability. For personal, family, workplaces and national purposes, these workers now likely need to engage in a longer productive working life, and potentially engage increasingly in PMET work.

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our research
Completed | 2009

Skills Utilisation 2 (SU2)

Prof Johnny Sung, Fiona Loke, Dr Tan Teck Kiang

This project is an extension to a similar project in 2009. However, whilst the 2009 study acted as a pilot of the methodology and targeted workers in sectors covered by WDA, the current proposal is intended to create a national job skills database, with a representative sample from the general population. In addition, a new component - an employer-employee matched sample in the manufacturing industry – is attempted for the first time. The new component will collect both management and job information.

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