Our Research
As an institute that champions excellence in Continuing Education and Training, IAL undertakes research projects that examine the various aspects of adult learning and development. The data we gather and the results we analyse enable us to further the advancement of the CET sector in Singapore, and inform policy making and decisions.

Business, Performance and Skills Survey, Wave 2 (BPSS W2)
Simon Freebody, Prof Johnny Sung, Jazreel Tan, Sheng Yee Zher
This project aims to investigate the demand side of the skills market in Singapore by surveying commercial establishments on their business strategies, skills utilisation and performance. Understanding the links between strategy, skills and performance will aid Singaporean policy makers in building an effective skills strategy for the future. Importantly, as the second wave of the Business, Performance and Skills Survey, this study will provide a sense of the changing landscape in Singapore regarding skills utilisation and the demand for skills.
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The Adult Learners’ Perception of Online Learning Due to COVID 19
Sheng Yee Zher, Tan Bao Zhen, Siti Nur Sabrina Binte Hardy and Dr Helen Bound
This is a mixed methods study conducted from September 2020 to February 2021. It aims to investigate Singapore adult learners’ experiences with transitioning to full online learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Training and Adult Education (TAE) Landscape 2
Dr Chen Zan
The Institute for Adult Learning is conducting a national Training and Adult Education (TAE) Landscape Study 2022 to gather information about the organisations and professionals working in the TAE sector. This current project, TAE Landscape 2022, is the second iteration of the TAE Landscape series and seeks to collect the latest data about the TAE sector from 2021 to 2023, e.g. changes in the profile of TAE organisations and professionals, TAE jobs and skills, as well as developments in TAE business and practice in relation to pedagogical innovation, business innovation, productivity, digitalisation and internationalisation. This project will be conducted in 3 phases.
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