Our Research
As an institute that champions excellence in Continuing Education and Training, IAL undertakes research projects that examine the various aspects of adult learning and development. The data we gather and the results we analyse enable us to further the advancement of the CET sector in Singapore, and inform policy making and decisions.

Training and Adult Education (TAE) Landscape 2
Dr Chen Zan, Dr Ilona Murphy, Tan Bao Zhen, Aggie Choo, Bryan Ang, Shannon Chan, Catherine Tangen, Dr Bi Xiaofang
The Institute for Adult Learning conducted the TAE Landscape Study 2 (2021–2023) to examine changes in the TAE sector. As the second iteration of the TAE Landscape series, it explores shifts in the profile of TAE organisations and professionals, TAE jobs and skills, as well as developments in TAE business and practice.
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Pedagogical practices in the TAE sector and changes over time
Helen Bound, Ilona Murphy, Shannon Chan, Michael Choy, Fadhil Mohamed
Our intent in undertaking this research is to develop and uncover how the TAE sector can move towards teaching, and learning enables our learners to thrive in changing circumstances. Our objectives are to: • Develop a framework for future-oriented pedagogical practices • Develop change processes for individual Adult Educators and systems (training providers, institutions, and policy)
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Workplace Misbehaviour and Mistreatment (WM): Workplace Discrimination, Harassment and WM-Related Injury
Dr Ruby Toh, Assoc Prof Philippe Blanchard, Prof James P Sampson Jr, Dr Tanja Schmidt, Dr Julie Falcon, Mr Ong Yong Liang
This mixed methods study seeks to better understand the impact of workplace discrimination, harassment and related injury (DHI) on career trajectories and employment vulnerability, and to help inform policy decisions on navigating any challenges faced in workplace DHI in order to ensure fair, inclusive and safe work practices (including recruitment, dismissal, promotion and access to training) and the work environment.
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