The Effectiveness of Coaching to Support ICT Workplace Learners’ Transition between Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) and Workplace
Associate Professor Lim Sok Mui May, Singapore Institute of Technology
This project focuses on understanding the effects of coaching in helping ICT workplace learners achieve deep-level changes and transformed learning, for a more positive experience transitioning between their student-employee roles. Through this research, we would better understand the academic trajectory (e.g., whether coaching had a long-term impact on how well students maintain their grades) of workplace learners who received coaching, and motivational trajectory over their course of study (e.g., assessed/indexed by a myriad of measures such as dropout rates, resilience, confidence, and stress levels).
Project Summary by PI hereMicrolearning, Gamification and Chatbot for Collaborative and Personalized Adult Learning (MaGiC²PAL )
Dr Miao Huang, Temasek Polytechnic
MaGiC²PAL project harnesses the promises of three modes of digital learning: microlearning courses (MLC), gamification, and Chatbot tutoring, to create a blend of online learning and blended learning (OBL) that enhances collaborative and personalized blended learning experiences. By combining these innovative approaches, we can provide diverse and tailored learning opportunities that support the needs of adult learners.
Project Summary by PI hereExamining the Implementation of Practice-based Work Approach for the Professional Learning of Associate Faculty
Associate Professor Jennifer Yeo, Singapore University of Social Sciences
This study aims to examine the design of a practice-based learning approach in two graduate certificate courses aimed at building up the teaching and learning capacity of Associate Faculty (AF).
Project Summary by PI hereCurrently Closed