Still grappling with the change to blended learning?

Get it right with expert help

What is innovDev?

A programme designed to equip Training Providers and Enterprises with Learning & Development units (TP&Es) with necessary capabilities to redesign their present courses into quality tech-enabled or blended courses.

The workflow for this programme is listed below:

1. Apply for innovDev Workshop on Curriculum Redesign

  • TP&E selects or identify one existing/new course in development for curriculum redesign.
  • Prior to attending the workshop, the assigned staff of TP&Es complete an introductory self-directed learning on The Six Principles of Learning Design (6PoLD)

2. innovDev Workshop on Curriculum Redesign (5-hour Complimentary)

  • The assigned staff of TP&Es (or participants) attend the complimentary 5-hour workshop on curriculum redesign and brings the identified course to the workshop.
  • Participants of the workshop get a hands-on opportunity to apply 6PoLD in the redesign of their identified course.
  • After the workshop, participants get an option to access a complimentary 5-hour innovDev coaching by our consultants.


3. Complimentary innovDev Coaching (5-hour)

  • Participants who submit their redesigned course within 2 weeks after the workshop will be entitled for complimentary 1-1 coaching and feedback by an innovDev consultant.
  • The assigned consultant will spend up to 5-hour to review the redesigned course and provide personalized guidance and coaching to the participants.


4. Full innovDev Coaching Program (25-hour)

  • If the TP&E sees value in engaging the assigned consultant to coach their staff further, the TP&E can apply for the full coaching program.
  • TP&E will need to co-pay S$545/- (inclusive of GST) to get access to 25-hour of innovDev coaching by the assigned consultant.

Why innovDev?

InnovDev offers up to 35 hours of subsidized consultancy to assist Training Providers and Employers (TP&Es) in enhancing their capabilities to design or redesign blended and technology-enabled learning programs. This support program is flexible, allowing TP&Es to choose which parts of their courses to improve, whether these are public-run or internal courses, WSQ or non-WSQ, and government-funded or not.

The initiative aims to support TP&Es in developing training courses for both blended and online learning environments. InnovDev acts as a safety net, reducing the risks associated with experimentation and potential improvements. InnovDev Consultants will guide TP&Es in identifying the most viable options while considering their specific limitations.

How will I benefit from innovDev?

  • Total of 35 consultancy hours to be spent enhancing your desired course.
  • Expertise and guidance from blended learning coaches to ensure pedagogical soundness of courses.
  • Development of blended learning capabilities of L&D staff.
  • Flexibility in determining scope of consultancy support required based on your organisational needs.

Who is innovDev for?

innovDev is meant for Training Providers and Enterprises (TP&Es) who are looking to enhance their existing training courses as well as to upskill the capability in curriculum redesign of their L&D staff.

Be it whether you want to improve your current courses but are unsure where to start and are looking for a more hands-on guided approach, or whether you have specific learning gaps you want to address and would like to work in a targeted manner with the expert consultant, the scope is up to you. Sign up today!

Do I qualify for innovDev?

The admission criteria for innovDev includes:

  1. The Organisation applying for innovDev programme MUST be a Singapore-registered company.
  2. Have at least 1 course curriculum on hand for course transformation
  3. Co-pay $545 (inclusive of GST) in accordance to the principle of commitment upon successful admission into innovDev (if you decide to take the full 35 hours)

How does innovDev work?

What do I need to deliver?

Complete the self-directed 45-minute introductory e-learning on 6PoLD prior to innovDev workshop.

  • Attend the complimentary 5-hour hands-on workshop on curriculum redesign with a chosen course (existing/new)
  • Submit the redesigned course plan within one month after the workshop on curriculum redesign if you intend to take up additional complimentary coaching up to 5- hour.

Success Use Case

TeamworkBound, an organisational development and team performance training provider. Being a largely facilitation-based training provider, lots of the content is delivered via face-to-face engagement. At the start of pandemic disruptions, the performance of training was only kept up by the quality of in-house trainers despite being largely limited to delivering Zoom-only, didactic training. A hands-on, immersive training had been nerfed to half-a-body snapshots within small windows on a computer screen.

Mr. Ebnu, who is the Director of TeamworkBound and his staff Aphroz enrolled into innovDev to seek a way forward in improving his blended training as immersive and easy-to-deliver for in-house trainers and administrator. An innovDev Consultant was assigned to TeamworkBound to guide them in digitalizing part of their courses. Scenario-based storytelling portion of the training was initially delivered by their trainers through a webcam. The innovDev Consultant guided the trainers through a pedagogically-sound video platform with integrated knowledge-check assessment onto their online training system. Thus, it gives learners more selection of scenarios that resonates with their profile, and trainers more time to provide personalized feedback with learners based on their assessment.

Upon completion, the blended curriculum also provides additional modes of delivery and outreach to other markets beyond Singapore. The intervention includes building up the skillsets of TeamworkBound's staff, who managed training coordination to take on a critical backend supportive role, to edit and curate digital learning materials. This includes taking a proactive approach towards building and developing future digital contents amongst the suite of programs.

The videos as well as the quizzes was a good way for me to see the problems play out and for me to reflect and think about my personal characteristics respectively” mentioned one learner who benefitted from the transformed course. Another learner has given a feedback: “I enjoyed the course it was interactive and I did not feel bored or uninterested.” despite receiving a facilitation-based course delivered in mixed online and F2F channel.

Application Process

     1    Download the application form below

     2    Submit your completed application form to

*  Admissions are ongoing. Please download the Application Form below to apply.

**  Feel free to contact Roy Gao ( if you have any queries.

Application Form

(Last Updated: 18th June 2024)

Expectations on TP&E

If you have submitted an application form or are currently enrolled within innovDev, you can view the full expectations on your organization from innovDev secretariat below:

Full Terms & Conditions   |   innovDev Handbook

Templates for Tranche 1 Submissions

Please use the templates for submission upon completion of innovDev Tranche 1. Do use the checklist document as the cover page for any submissions to innovDev Secretariat below.

Submission Checklist   |   Course 1 Redesign Plan   |   Delivery Plan   |   Consultant Coaching Plan

Templates for Tranche 2 Submissions

Please use the templates for submission upon completion of innovDev Tranche 1. Do use the checklist document as the cover page for any submissions to innovDev Secretariat below.

Submission Checklist   |   Course 2 Redesign Plan   |    Delivery Plan

Feedback Form on Consultant   |    Feedback Form on TP&E

Templates for Change Requests

We want to provide innovDev applicants with flexibility to amend parts of the project due to change in business priorities or change in manpower. Any changes are subject to written approval from IAL.

Changes on Curriculum Developer   |    Changes on Courses

If you would like to learn more about the programme, fill up the form here below and our innovDev team will follow up with you: