
Discover IAL's latest happenings, from Continuing Professional Development (CPD) workshops, course previews to events.

10 Jun 2024

Designing Impactful, Relevant Learning

Adult curriculum design requires specialised insights and methodologies. We speak with one of IAL’s curriculum development specialists to find out more.

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27 May 2024

Steaming Ahead: How Onboarding Solutions Help Boost Dimsum Production

One of the few halal dimsum manufacturers in Singapore, Hara Hong Kong Tim Sum, embarked on a project with IAL to improve its employee onboarding and training processes.

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13 May 2024

The Power of Productive Failure in Adult Education

The Institute for Adult Learning conducted a pilot study on Productive Failure in the adult learning sector, and results showed remarkable benefits across various contexts.

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30 Apr 2024

Collaboration in Lifelong Learning Can Turn Midlife Crossroads into Significant Milestones

Collaboration within the training and adult education ecosystem can transform midlife crossroads into significant milestones, as highlighted by the Executive Director of IAL.

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26 Apr 2024

Learning And Development For Persons With Special Needs

IAL launches two short courses to prepare adult educators, workplace trainers, and enterprises to conduct learning that will support Persons with Disabilities.

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27 Mar 2024

A New Badging Pathway to Boost Workplace Learning

In an exciting strategic move, IAL and IHRP have recently inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that aims to further boost workplace learning in Singapore.

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