
Discover IAL's latest happenings, from Continuing Professional Development (CPD) workshops, course previews to events.

22 Jul 2024

An Adult Educator's Cycle of Knowledge

In celebration of Adult Educators’ Day, we speak to three Adult Educators about their journeys. In the last interview in the series, hear from an AE who never ceases learning.

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16 Jul 2024

An Educator's Journey of Discovery

In celebration of Adult Educators’ Day, we speak to three Adult Educators about their journey. In the first interview, we speak to an educator experienced throughout the education spectrum.

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12 Jul 2024

Cultivating a Dynamic and Thriving AE Community, Together

Focused on the power of collaboration in creating a vibrant learning ecosystem, this year’s Adult Educators’ Day brought together expert insights, fun-filled activities, and networking sessions.

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09 Jul 2024

Building Robust Communities of Good

Singapore Kindness Movement and Muslimin Trust Fund Association partnered IAL to provide greater value to employees who choose a career in doing good.

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10 Jun 2024

Designing Impactful, Relevant Learning

Adult curriculum design requires specialised insights and methodologies. We speak with one of IAL’s curriculum development specialists to find out more.

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27 May 2024

Steaming Ahead: How Onboarding Solutions Help Boost Dimsum Production

One of the few halal dimsum manufacturers in Singapore, Hara Hong Kong Tim Sum, embarked on a project with IAL to improve its employee onboarding and training processes.

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