Resources for Delivering Online Learning
Resources for Delivering Online Learning
Online classes and digital learning has become the norm for learners, Adult Educators and Training Organisations alike. In IAL's survey on Adult Learners' Perception of Online Learning due to COVID-19, the top concerns for learners across the different age group include lack of interactions, whether among learners or between facilitators and learners. To support efforts to produce quality, interactive and engaging online learning, IAL is curating resources and tools that will help plug the knowledge and practice gaps of both learning designers, facilitators and training providers. View our list of curated Cost-Effective and Easy-to-use (CEE) tools, e-learning platforms and resources that you can reference to facilitate your digital journey.
Support for efforts to adopt CEE tools
Taking the words of A/Prof Matt Beane in Learning to Work with Intelligent Machines, there is a tension between mastering new (digital) tools and adapting tried-and-tested method of engagement toward new tools. He advocated giving ourselves ample time to do one thing after another instead of trying and failing both at the same time. Give yourself some runway to master new EdTech tool and build up your comfort in using one. Finding the sweet spot of solution, that is both within your comfort zone and learners' needs, might need a few iterations to get right. Join our events to shorten your learning curve or just join the inlab community to continue our dialogue on best practices and ways to overcome barriers and resistance in our journey of digitalizing learning and training.
If you are an enterprise / training provider still experiencing challenges in leveraging learning technology, please explore if the innovDev scheme is for you.
Finding a solution partner to transform your training
We understand the challenges that time constraint and extent of technical savviness could pose in navigating the learning upgrading process. We have curated a list of potential EdTech partners that you can contact to facilitate your digitalization journey. Partners with local presence in Singapore is labelled if you prefer to have a more accessible person to help you in your journey.
Other Resources to support your transformation
With effect from 19 June 2020, SSG funded TPs are required to keep the full recording of each synchronous online training session for a period of 3 years after completion of the course or receipt of course completion documents by SSG, whichever is later. You could check out if you qualify for IT solution grant from Productivity Solutions Grant (Go to All PSG Solutions - IT Solutions - Document Management and Mobile Access System category). Click here to find out more.
Other Useful Links:
- IMDA – Training and Adult Education Industry Digital Plan
- GoBusiness – All Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) Solutions