Enhancing Assessment of Quality of Training Programmes

By Helen Bound

The purpose of the Enhancing Course Quality and Curriculum project is to review current course accreditation process(es) and propose enhancements and improvements to raise the quality of learning design and delivery for better learning experiences, and to better ensure that the learning is able to meet intended outcomes. To achieve this, SSG personnel directed that the Six Principles of Learning Design (6PoLD) (Bound & Chia, 2020) be used as the basis for what constitutes quality curriculum. The 6PoLD are: authenticity, alignment, feedback, judgement, holistic and future-orientation. These are explained in detail later in this Chapter. The focus on this project has been on Workforce Skills Qualification (WSQ) courses, with acknowledgement that the suggested changes may may have a wider scope of application to non-WSQ courses. 

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