By Dr Helen Bound and Dr Arthur Chia
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Learning can no longer be thought of as just preparing students/learners for ‘now’, for solving predictable, standard problems and for their ability to recount or reproduce content. Rather as educators, facilitators, trainers, curriculum designers, we need to develop our learners’ capacity to thrive in dynamically changing contexts. This requires a shift from front-end loading of content and focus on summative assessment of learning, to creating dynamic learning environments built on authentic experiences. There is considerable research that highlights that learning is powerful when learners are actively engaged, and their learning experience is embodied and holistic. This necessarily involves learners in giving and receiving feedback and making judgements (Bound, Chia & Karmel, 2016; Boud, 2010). Deep understanding and learning to learn are critical for positioning our learners to thrive in constantly changing contexts, be they in work settings, navigating changing labour markets and demands or family and community. The 6 Principles of Learning Design offer a framework for designing such learning. This booklet unpacks each of the principles, indicating what it means for learning and assessment. The contents of this booklet are based on ethnographic case studies conducted by the authors.