Yvonne Seah

Yvonne Seah

Yvonne Seah specialises in critical thinking, interpersonal communication and business writing

Yvonne Seah has 15 years of working experience in the commercial sector, having held management positions in marketing, product development and contracting. Yvonne has been a corporate trainer for the last 10 years. She is an accredited trainer for Go the Extra Mile Service (GEMS), Employability Skills (ES) programme and Certified Service Professional program (CSP). Her forte also lies in training Critical Thinking Skills, Creative Problem Solving Skills, and Interpersonal and Written Communication Skills. Other than being ACTA- certified, Yvonne’s professional qualification includes TESL/TEFL, Industry Trainer (ITE) & Trainer-Manager Program (SIM). She is also a certified Emergenetics Associate.