Winston Tan
Winston Tan specialises in public governance and administration
Winston Tan is a Chartered Accountant of Singapore (Non-Practising) and Certified Professional Coach who works closely with government in areas relating to financial, procurement and public governance.
He speaks and facilitates regularly at international conferences and workshops, and is involved with various initiatives in Africa, ASEAN, Commonwealth countries and the Middle East.
Winston has held previous appointments with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in Coopers & Lybrand.
He holds a B. Acc. (Hons)(NTU), Cert. in Devt. Evaluation in the Public Sector (AFDC, Shanghai), Post-grad Dip. & Adv. Level Qualification in Family Education (European Institute of Educational Sciences), and a Master of Arts in Lifelong Learning (Dist)(IOE-UCL).