Whyn Yan

Whyn Yan

Whyn Yan specialises in designing company blueprints and OJT coaching

Whyn Yan designs company blueprints in accordance to WSQ competency standards and coaches on-the-job training programmes. Prior to his current appointment at SkillsFuture Singapore, Whyn held appointments at Singapore Institute of Legal Education (the Institute) as the Assistant Head of Operations and at NTUC LearningHub as a Programme Administrator where he was responsible for course delivery in the employability campus and in ensuring quality assurance and WSQ CIR compliance. Subsequently, he was also involved in the Sales and Marketing functions, and assisted corporate clients in contextualising training programmes. Whyn holds a Bachelor of Science (Business) majoring in Marketing from the University of London. He is ACTA-certified, and has obtained a Certificate of Proficiency in MOTO from IAL. He is currently pursuing his Master of Training and Development with Griffith University/IAL.