Steven Soh

Steven Soh

Steven Soh specialises in curriculum design & development in QHSE, Auditor, Trainer

Steven has more than 30 years of working experience in mechanical and electrical services in the building and construction industries. More than 10 years in Quality, Health & Safety and Environmental (QHSE) Professional and Trainer in the Construction and Engineering Industry. He has facilitated trainings in QHSE, Fire Safety and Risk Management and currently a practising WSH auditor, safety officer and environmental control officer. His qualifications include Bachelor of Environment, Occupational Health and Safety, University of Newcastle, Australia ( BEOHS ); Institute of Fire Engineering, UK Membership Examination (M I Fire E, UK); WSH auditor, Registered WSHO & ECO, DACE ,ACTA, LEW, PUB Licensed Plumber in Gas, Water and Sanitary.