Richard Choo Keng Whatt

Richard Choo Keng Whatt

Richard Choo specialises in Human Resource, Training & Development, Leadership & People Management, and Generic Skills frameworks

Richard Choo is an experienced practitioner in the CET sector, having taken on various roles as an associate consultant, facilitator, assessor, practicum coach, auditor with then-WDA, IAL and curriculum developer with ATOs. He has been involved in the CET landscape since 1999, initially with the National Skills Recognition System (NSRS) initiative at PSB, SPRING Singapore, and subsequently with the WSQ framework when WDA was set up in 2005 to drive national CET programmes. Richard is passionate and committed towards helping organisations deliver quality CET programmes and inspiring individuals in continuous learning and development. He believes in self-directed learning, an open mind-set to learn, and always reinventing to stay relevant.