Goh Ai Yat

Goh Ai Yat

Goh Ai Yat specialises in Visual Thinking, Entrepreneurship and Creativity & Innovation

Entrepreneur, Educator, Trainer/Coach, Storyteller, Artist. Goh Ai Yat, a former senior banker, started the SBF Group in 1994. She advocates for agility at work and in business to succeed in an ever-changing environment. She challenges professionals to be highly marketable and business driven, making decisions that are not only technically correct, but also make good business sense. She trains organisational employees to adopt entrepreneurial thinking in preparation for increasingly competitive business landscapes. She trains in the following programmes: The Back of the NapkinTM - Solving Problems with Pictures, The Entrepreneurial Manager, The Entrepreneurial Employee, Thriving On Challenges, Creativity & Innovation - The Rules Have Changed!.