Parveen Kaur Sandhu (Dr)
Dr Parveen Sandhu designs and facilitates learning experiences to create measurable positive change for individuals and companies.
Leading change initiatives can be overwhelming in terms of both scale and urgency. And before tackling leadership challenges "out there”, we need to first engage with challenges within ourselves. This could mean uncovering our blind spots and assumptions, as well as identifying undiscovered potential within ourselves.
An edge-walker, Parveen uses impactful learning experiences to support positive change in times of transition. As a learning consultant, workplace learning specialist, in-person and virtual facilitator and executive coach, Parveen designs and facilitates blended, experiential learning programmes that build leadership capacity to steer impactful change.
At Surge Consulting, leadership programmes Parveen facilitates include:
• Leading Responsible Investment - An ASEAN-wide accelerator prototype promoting responsible practices in the food ecosystem
• Leading Change – Providing Leaders with the knowledge and disposition needed to lead change
• Leading High Performance – Equipping leaders with the skills and confidence needed to lead productive and innovative teams
• Adaptive Teams - Helping teams build resilience, navigate change and thrive
• uCoach™️ - Equipping experts with the technical skills needed to teach their expertise
• Search Inside Yourself - Leveraging neuroscience, mindfulness, and emotional intelligence to equip participants with key tools to bring out their best and most effective selves, professionally and personally.
At the Institute for Adult Learning, Parveen has facilitated a range of competency-based training programmes to develop Singapore's adult educators. Programmes include Adult Learning Theories & Principles, Training Needs Analysis, Designing Learning and Assessment, Facilitating Mind-set Shifts, and more.
Parveen is also a Workplace Learning Consultant at the Centre for Workplace Learning and Performance (also a National Centre of Excellence for Workplace Learning) that offers a suite of outcome-focused consultancy services designed to help companies guide their teams to embark on workplace learning and employee-driven initiatives and projects.